Personalized chats with dozens of personas, anytime anywhere
How It Works
Everyday conversation themes
We have carefully selected conversation topics you may find yourself engaging in on a daily basis, either while traveling or at home with peers or loved ones.
Helpful phrases to get the conversation going and flowing
We’ve got your covered with curated phases for every conversation theme, serving as a reliable starting point to spark ideas and guide your expression.
Real time suggested responses from your AI tutor
After each messsage, your AI conversation buddy will provide you with various natural responses to think and speak like a native.
Capitalize on the power of mistakes
Mistakes are essential for learning your dream language. Univoice AI corrects error in real time, using the “mistakes meter” to provide valuable insights for improvement.
Concise and personalized review
After each conversation, we will show you a personalized review highlighted strength and improvement tips-like having a personal language tutor by your side, going your progress.
Everyday conversation themes
We have carefully selected conversation topics you may find yourself engaging in on a daily basis, either while traveling or at home with peers or loved ones.
Helpful phrases to get the conversation going and flowing
We’ve got your covered with curated phases for every conversation theme, serving as a reliable starting point to spark ideas and guide your expression.
Real time suggested responses
from your AI tutor
After each message, your AI conversation buddy will provide you with various natural responses to think and speak like a native.
Capitalize on the power of mistakes
Mistakes are essential for learning your dream language. Univoice AI corrects error in real time, using the “mistakes meter” to provide valuable insights for improvement.
Concise and personalized review
After each conversation, we will show you a personalized review highlighted strength and improvement tips-like having a personal language tutor by your side, going your progress.